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WWE Super ShowDown 2020: Results, Goldberg wins, match ratings and full recap

WWE Super ShowDown 2020: Results, Goldberg wins, match ratings and full recap

If in 2003 you bet that Goldberg would return to WWE in 2020 and be a world champion, then congratulations. You just made a lot of money. In the main event of WWE Super Showdown, one of WWE's bizarro-world Saudi Arabia shows, Goldberg pinned "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt to become a two-time Universal Champion.

The show was bookended by returning legends, as it opened with The Undertaker being a surprise entrant in the Tuwaiq Trophy gauntlet match. Elsewhere, Brock Lesnar destroyed Ricochet, and Roman Reigns finally, finally, ended his feud with Baron Corbin. I hope.

The main takeaway of Super ShowDown is, of course, 53-year-old Goldberg winning the strap and punching his ticket to WrestleMania. Lesnar's win was expected, but Undertaker pinning AJ Styles wasn't. It appears the rumors they'll have a WrestleMania match are very much true. The best match on the show was the SmackDown tag team title match, but even that wasn't really worth going out of your way to see.

WWE's Saudi Arabia shows are always strange, as the crowd reacts only to big stars and is mostly quiet throughout. That was the case here, and the overwhelming majority of the card was just OK. Not terrible, not good, just there. Full results below.

Goldberg wins the Universal Championship (!) 

Party like it's 1998, because Bill Goldberg is your new world champion. He defeated "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt with a jackhammer to score the Universal Championship.


Two-time Universal Champion, Goldberg.


Very short match. Goldberg hit a spear, Wyatt pops up and grabs the mandible claw. Goldberg powers out, nails three consecutive spears for a two count. The Fiend pops up, mandible claw. Goldberg powers out, jackhammer and new champion.

Rating: 2 stars. It was gripping, even if it was just simple big moves. The decision for Goldberg to beat The Fiend, the most protected new character in years, is sure to rub a lot of the wrestling fandom the wrong way.

Bayley retains her gold

In the second-ever women's match in Saudi Arabia, Bayley defeated Naomi to retain her SmackDown Women's Championship. The finish was creative: Women have to wrestle in T-shirts in Saudi Arabia, and Bayley wrapped Naomi's legs up and trapped them in her shirt before hitting her finish, a Rose Plant driver.


It's like high school all over again.


The match was fine. Naomi's offense is fun, but Bayley's offense is often bland and unconvincing -- and Bayley took much of the match.

Rating: 2 stars. No need to go out of your way to see this.

Roman Reigns defeats Baron Corbin in cage match

It's difficult to find something to say about this match. These two have wrestled so many times, and to my knowledge none of their matches have been particularly good. Nor have they been particularly bad. They've just been OK. This match was OK.

Reigns brought out a steel chain, which it turns out he wanted to use only to reinforce the steel cage's door so Corbin couldn't escape. Curious, then, that within 30 seconds Reigns was attempting to climb over the top of the cage. Even the announcers were flummoxed.

The ending came not with a spear, but with a steel chain-wrapped Superman punch. Rest in peace, this feud.

Rating: 2 stars. 

Brock Lesnar kills Ricochet

This was a squash match. Ricochet got in zero offense. He tried a drop kick to start the match off but was swatted out of the air by Lesnar. The Beast hits a few german suplexes, an F5 and retains his title.

Rating: 2 stars. 

Mansoor pins Dolph Ziggler

Super-basic match here. Mansoor, a hometown hero, beat Ziggler, arrogant bad guy. Announcers pump this up as a "miracle" win.

The match was simply Ziggler getting heat on Mansoor, with a few too many headlocks and static holds, leading to a comeback at the end. Standard A to B wrestling match. Crowd was quiet for much of the bout but did fire up for Mansoor's offense and win. Mansoor won the match with a moonsault.

Rating: 1.5 stars. Boring.

Seth Rollins and Murphy retain Raw tag titles

Seth Rollins and Murphy defeated the Street Profits when Murphy pinned Angelo Dawkins following a curb stomp to Dawkins by Rollins.

Like the previous match, the wrestling was well done but struggled to get much of a crowd reaction. There were some "this is awesome" chants toward the end, but mostly silence throughout. Much of the match was Murphy and Rollins cordoning off Montez and slowly beating him down, but there were some nice spots toward the end. The highlight was when Montez, who's a freak athlete, did a huge flip over the top rope to the outside but was caught by Murphy and Rollins and then slammed into the barricade.

Rating: 2 stars. 

Angel Garza beats Humberto Carrillo 

These two did their best. The Saudi crowds tend to only react to the biggest, often oldest stars (see: Undertaker), so these two young bucks were fighting an uphill battle. And it's not really a battle they won: The action was crisp and often spectacular, but the crowd did not care.

The finish came with Garza and Carrillo exchanged roll-up attempts, just like on a recent episode of Raw, leading to a victory for Garza.

Rating: 2 stars. Good wrestling but dead crowd. 

Miz and John Morrison win SmackDown tag titles

In what ended up being a good tag team match, Miz and John Morrison defeated The New Day to win the SmackDown Tag Team Championships. Miz got the W after Morrison hit Kofi with a chair to the ribs and the Miz rolled him up.

The crowd was fairly into both teams, although more so Miz and Morrison. There was a group of fans in front of the hard cam that kept doing the "hey hey, ho ho, Miz and Morrison" chant, which was fun. Some good action in the match, including Kofi's hot tag, a huge powerbomb/foot stomp move by The New Day, a nice back-and-forth between Kofi and Morrison and a false finish after a Skull Crushing Finale to Big E. Kofi also wiped himself out with a brutal over-the-top-rope-dive straight to the floor.

Rating: 3 stars. The crowd gave it a "this is awesome" chant. Not awesome, but good.

Undertaker wins Tuwaiq Trophy Gauntlet match

Yep. Undertaker won the Tuwaiq Trophy -- which the announcers told us was prestigious almost nonstop -- after pinning AJ Styles with a chokeslam. He didn't even take off his coat!

The gauntlet match itself was sub average. R-Truth was the unlikely hero of the match. He started off with Bobby Lashley, who he got an upset victory over after Lashely missed a spear and collided with the ring post. Afterward, Lashley threw Truth into the steel stairs and cut him down with a spear in the ring. Andrade was in next, but Andrade too fell to R-Truth. The two collided in the middle of the ring, butting heads, and Truth fell atop Andrade for the win. Really.

Rowan was Truth's third opponent/victim. After an over-the-top-rope dive, the two ended outside where Rowan hit Truth with the steel stairs. Rowan was then disqualified. Like Lashley, he took his frustrations out on Truth in the ring afterward, hitting him with a claw slam.

I say R-Truth was the hero of this match because the crowd was dead for everyone except him until this point. They didn't care about Lashley, Andrade or Rowan, but when Truth started mounting a comeback or got offense in they would cheer. AJ Styles was in next though, and the crowd loved him way more than Truth. After some Truth taunting by way of dancing, he submitted R-Truth with a calf crusher.

Rey Mysterio was meant to be the final entrant, but he was assailed backstage by Styles' OC cronies. Styles demands to be declared winner, but is rudely interrupted by none other than The Undertaker. We get an elaborate Undertaker entrance, he enters the ring, chokeslam and 1-2-3.

Rating: 2 stars. Not bad, but definitely not good.


Tuwaiq Trophy winner, The Undertaker (?!).


Kickoff Show results

In the sole Kickoof Show match, The OC got a surprise win over The Viking Raiders after they hit a Magic Killer on Ivar.

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Iced coffee, cold brew, pour-over: Essential recipe tips to make your best ever chilled cuppa

Iced coffee, cold brew, pour-over: Essential recipe tips to make your best ever chilled cuppa

If your idea of "iced coffee" is "letting my hot coffee get cold," then it's time to talk -- you deserve better. Making superb iced coffee or cold brew isn't hard. You just have to follow a few simple rules. It can seem like a big production to make the stuff fresh for yourself at home, but once you're an ice master (and it's easier than it sounds), you'll have a delicious tool kit that'll float you through the hot months on a wave of taste bud bliss.

There are myriad ways to make iced coffee, but if you want to do anything well, you've got to pare down your options and really focus: Hone your skills at one or two techniques rather than dabbling with a dozen different brewers.

Read more: These coffee makers keep cold brew flowing

I recommend learning two main preparation styles: iced pour-over and cold brew. Think of them as the poached egg and the scrambled egg of iced coffee. Iced pour-over tends to be lighter, more delicate, more nuanced and takes more attention in the preparation. Cold brew is great for making ahead, and is good either straight up or jazzed up.

Whether you're looking to hone your cool caffeine skills or simply take your morning chug to the next level, here are a few things to do before you brew.


One secret to perfect iced coffee: the ice.


Know how much time ya got

If you're in a rush, iced pour-over is 100% the way to go to get you out the door: It takes roughly three to four minutes to make this type of iced coffee, since you're basically brewing a hot concentrate that drips directly onto ice. (The ice does double duty, diluting the concentrate to perfection, while simultaneously cooling it down.) 

This method is great for straight-up sipping -- it allows more delicate flavors to come through in the coffee -- and is a quick way to make iced coffee in a flash. You can even use the principles of the manual-brewing technique to make autodripped iced coffee. Do a little simple math to calculate the ice-to-water ratio, put the ice in the brewing carafe, and away we go. Try this Japanese style iced coffee recipe.

Cold brew, on the other hand, can be portioned out into grab-and-go doses once it's finished, but takes about 12-24 hours prep time. The stronger, chocolatey flavor of this iced-coffee style generally stands up to add-ons, mix-ins and other fun variations better than iced pour-over does. Try this easy cold-brewed coffee recipe. You can also make it in a mason jar:

Remember that ice is an ingredient

In fact, ice is one of the only ingredients. And if you're an absolute purist (or a stickler for hard-and-fast definitions), it's one of only two ingredients in iced coffee -- that is, coffee and water. The solid-state H2O that goes into your brew can actually have a make-or-break effect on your finished drink, though. 

So definitely use good, drinkable water and ice cube trays that are clean and don't smell. Also, be sure you have a fresh freezer. If you've got last month's lentil soup in there, your iced coffee will taste like last month's lentil soup.

I love a totally pristine, clear cube in mine, because it's something so simple to elevate the glass. Every coffee should feel like a special occasion, you know what I mean? Get this perfect ice recipe.

Read more: 11 amazing Starbucks coffee drinks to make at home


Take it to the next level with these flavored cubes for your coffee.


Don't fear getting fancy

Speaking of ice again, who says it has to be just water? Feel free to add a little pizazz to your iced coffee by making special ice cubes: Mix some simple syrup in with the water, or vanilla syrup; try putting a few fresh herbs in there (mint is actually really lovely with certain delicate iced coffees); freeze sweetened condensed milk or chocolate milk for a sweet treat. Live large.

A couple more ideas: This vanilla ice cube recipe combines almond milk, sugar and vanilla bean seeds; Chowhound's frozen spiked coffee shot recipe (shown above) could also work as a meta ice cube, as long you're not sipping your drink on a workday morning (then again, the proportion of Kahlua isn't that high).

Do some simple math (and I mean simple)

Look, I get it. Every iced coffee recipe in the whole world seems really complicated and mathy. Really good coffee actually is kind of complicated and mathy, but honestly, you can pare it down pretty easily once you learn the basics. 

For iced pour-over, take the amount of iced coffee you'd like to have at the end -- say you want to brew 20 ounces, to share with a friend -- and split it into 2/3 (the amount of hot water you'll brew with) and 1/3 (the amount of ice). Cold brew's math is way simpler, because there are only the two ingredients. (No pesky ice!) Either way, don't get bogged down in the arithmetic. Just brew it.

Hana Asbrink

Now top that

Once you've got your ice coffee brewed up, you don't have to stop there: Did you know that "iced coffee" in Australia always has ice cream in it? Now that's living like you mean it. Take your cue from Down Under and toss a mini scoop in there. Or add some fresh whipped cream to that thing, because this is supposed to be the best. The best of your life. Or hop on the trend train and make fluffy dalgona coffee.

Or shake it

Not into whipped cream? (What's wrong with you?) We're still aiming for greatness here, and greatness can be achieved in many ways. Pour your iced coffee of choice into a cocktail shaker, glop a nice little taste of sweetened condensed milk, coconut milk or light cream, fill with ice, and shake the dickens out of it. Instant treat achievement unlocked.

Boozy alternative: Make this porter cold brew coffee recipe (which should not actually be shaken).

Or really mix it up

You can also use iced coffee to inform and infuse a whole host of Best Drinks of Your Life: Make a twist on a half-and-half by combining the perfect pour-over iced coffee with some lightly sweetened fresh lemonade. Start with a lightly roasted, floral-tasting coffee, and trust me, it's heavenly. 

Just about everyone raises an eyebrow at first when they hear "iced coffee lemonade," but when you think about it, why is iced coffee any weirder than iced tea? And this combination is sometimes called a "Laura Palmer" as a nod to both Arnold Palmer (for whom the famous iced tea/lemonade combo is named) and Twin Peaks.

Read more on Chowhound: 5 uncommon coffee drinks you need to try

Or use cold brew concentrate in place of some of the bitters in your favorite cocktail: A little upper/downer Manhattan, perhaps? Cold brew blends really nicely with the warm oaky and vanilla tones in bourbon, scotch and whiskey. Try this cold brew bourbon cocktail recipe.

But definitely don't sweat it

No matter how you decide to do the brew, remember that iced coffee is supposed to be chill in more ways than one. Relax, enjoy it and stay caffeinated, my friend.


This story was originally written by Erin Meister for CNET's sister site Chowhound.

More coffee recommendations

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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Smartphone shipments see record drop as coronavirus stops shoppers

Smartphone shipments see record drop as coronavirus stops shoppers

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the





Smartphone shipments saw their biggest ever drop in February as the novel coronavirus ravaged China, one of the world's largest markets and a vital manufacturing hub. 

Worldwide, phone shipments fell 38% to 61.8 million units in February 2020, from 99.2 million units in the same month last year, according to Strategy Analytics. The firm attributed the "huge" drop to a collapse in demand in Asia.

"February 2020 saw the biggest fall ever in the history of the worldwide smartphone market," Strategy Analytics analyst Neil Mawston said. "Supply and demand of smartphones plunged in China, slumped across Asia and slowed in the rest of the world. It is a period the smartphone industry will want to forget."

The news follows warnings by companies like Apple that they likely won't meet their expected sales targets because of the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Apple in February cited two reasons for its update: The coronavirus was hurting both demand from Chinese customers and production capabilities inside the country. China is one of the world's biggest markets and the primary location where devices like the iPhone are assembled. Because factories are coming online later, there'll be iPhone shortages around the globe, Apple has said. 

The coronavirus is changing the way we live and forcing people across the globe to stay at home and isolate themselves from others. The pandemic has caused schools to close, while other closures have swept across the US, from Broadway theaters to NBA venues. Starting Tuesday, the San Francisco Bay Area was put on lockdown, with citizens ordered to stay at home except for essential outings. It followed places like France and Spain in limiting the movement of the public, and the rest of California joined the lockdown on Thursday. The state of New York followed suit Friday.

Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf told CNBC on Thursday that phone purchases in China have returned to normal as the country recovers from the coronavirus outbreak. Qualcomm is the world's biggest handset maker, supplying wireless chips to Apple, Samsung and most of the other major phone vendors in the world. 

"if you're just looking at activations of cellphones in China ... at the end of January, you saw a big dip," Mollenkopf said. But purchases in that country have recovered in March. "It's really turned back to the same level you had a year ago," he said. "It clearly was a very difficult time in February, but it's good to see that returning."

He added that Qualcomm's customers -- the companies designing phones -- have seen their supply chains return to about 70% to 80% capacity. 

Still, Strategy Analytics analyst Yiwen Wu on Friday warned that global smartphone shipments will remain weak throughout this month. 

"The coronavirus scare has spread to Europe, North America and elsewhere, and hundreds of millions of affluent consumers are in lockdown, unable or unwilling to shop for new devices," Wu said. "The smartphone industry will have to work harder than ever to lift sales in the coming weeks, such as online flash sales or generous discounts on bundling with hot products like smartwatches."

Apple, for its part, has reopened its stores in China but has closed all its retail locations outside the Asian country, indefinitely. It also has limited online iPhone purchases as COVID-19 constrains its supply chain. Consumers can buy only two iPhones or iPads per person. The last time Apple imposed such limits was 2007, when the original iPhone came out.

Apple this week introduced two new products, a new iPad with a keyboard case that has a trackpad, as well as an updated MacBook Air.

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5 Unexpected Places to Put Your Apple AirTags

5 Unexpected Places to Put Your Apple AirTags

How many items do you tend to lose on a regular basis? Keys, wallets and phones come to mind as commonly misplaced items -- and they're also common things you can put an Apple AirTag on to help keep track of their whereabouts. However, we've got several more things you may have not thought of before.

While generally you need to be within Bluetooth range to find your AirTag, you can use Apple's Find My service to locate it if it's further away but -- and this is important to remember -- still in range of another Apple device (here's how the Find My network works). To do so, just put your AirTag into Lost Mode and you'll get a notification once it's within range of the Find My network. 

We'll tell you some unexpected places to put an AirTag to help prevent you from constantly retracing your steps. For more details, here's how to tell if an AirTag is tracking your location on Android.

In your tent when you go hiking

If you're setting up camp in a location you've never visited, it could be useful to place an AirTag inside your tent so you can easily find your campsite. For instance, if you decide to hike several miles one day, you can use Find My to look up the AirTag's last location (your tent) and get directions back to the campsite. Remember, it'll need to be within range of anyone else's device, so don't rely on this out in the wilderness. (This is also why Apple advises you not to use AirTags on pets.)

In your jacket pocket

How often have you left your coat behind in a restaurant, bar or friend's house? Forgetting to grab your jacket when you head out is easy to do, especially if the weather is warmer than you expected or your hands are full of leftovers and to-go cups.

If you know you'll be hanging your jacket on a coat rack -- or the back of a chair -- when you arrive, place an AirTag inside the pocket so you know where you left it. This can help prevent yet another favorite jacket from getting lost, and less money out of your wallet to replace it.

Inside your luggage

Airports can be tricky to navigate, and can become especially difficult when you're trying to find the correct luggage pickup. Sometimes you wait 30 minutes until your bags finally roll out on the conveyor belt -- and sometimes they get lost. To relieve the stress of trying to locate your suitcase, you can put an AirTag tracker inside so you can track its whereabouts. 

This can help you find out if your bags were left on the airplane, if they're on the conveyor belt but you haven't spotted them yet or if someone mistakenly grabbed your luggage. Once you find out where your bags are, you can remedy the situation and continue on to where you're going.

Open laptop bag

Place an AirTag inside your laptop bag so you'll stop misplacing it.

Sarah Tew/CNET

Inside your laptop bag

Laptop bags can be easily left behind at a cafe when you're picking up coffee for everyone at the office. When your hands are full and you're distracted wondering how you're going to open your car door, it's hard to remember to grab your bag from the booth you were sitting in. 

That's why it's a good idea to place an AirTag inside one of the pockets. You will be able to not only locate your expensive laptop but also save any confidential company or personal information you had in your bag.

In a hidden place on your bicycle

If it hasn't happened to you, you probably know someone who has had this experience. You get home from a bike ride, go inside to grab water and something to eat and completely forget about the bike you left outside. Or maybe you went to the store, didn't lock your bike up and when you came back it was gone. 

If you place an AirTag in a hidden place on the bike, you can easily locate it. We don't recommend tracking the bicycle down on your own though. It's best to notify the police and let them retrieve your bike for you to avoid any dangerous situations.

This method also works on your car if it's been stolen or towed away -- or if you can't remember where you parked it. Although if you have an iPhone and it's connected to your car via Bluetooth, your phone can locate where you last left it.

iPhone locating an AirTag

Your iPhone can find your AirTag.

Sarah Tew/CNET

More common areas to put your AirTag

AirTag is commonly used to locate these items.

  • Your purse or wallet
  • Your keychain
  • Your phone or tablet
  • The remote to your TV
  • Anything valuable that you leave outside your home

For more Apple information, here's how to send secret messages on your iPhone. Also, this new iOS 16 feature can save you from cringeworthy iPhone texts.

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Dell XPS 12 review: A unique take on the convertible laptop/tablet

Dell XPS 12 review: A unique take on the convertible laptop/tablet

If you're one of the few who remember the original Dell Inspiron Duo from 2010, pat yourself on the back. Like that Duo, the new XPS 12 has a screen that swivels at the middle of the lid's sides, so it can rotate 180 degrees along its horizontal axis and end up facing out from the back of the lid's frame. This allows you to display the screen in what some call a "stand" mode, or else fold the clamshell shut to form a slate-style tablet.

While inventive, the original Duo was hobbled by a low-power Intel Atom processor and never lived up to its potential. Dell walked away from the Duo, which seemed doomed to be another too-early hardware leap, much like Dell's long-lost proto-ultrabook Adamo laptops.

Imagine my surprise when Dell announced that the Duo was back, originally showing us the system behind closed doors this summer. The new version, now part of the high-end XPS line, has gotten a massive physical upgrade. Now it's ultrabook-thin, with a slim metal frame around its screen, and a button-free clickpad. The new version trades up to current-gen Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors, along with solid-state-drive (SSD) storage, meaning that in terms of hardware it can stand toe-to-toe any mainstream ultrathin laptop.

Between our preview this summer and now, the biggest change has been in the name. Dell has decided to drop the "Duo" branding altogether (perhaps it still has negative connotations) and simply call this the XPS 12. That's certainly apt for a laptop with 12-inch display, but I do miss the descriptive nature of the Duo moniker -- now there's nothing in the name to indicate this laptop's special physical features.

The XPS 12 starts at $1,199 for a Core i5 CPU and 128GB SSD, and goes up to $1,699 for the hardware we tested, with a Core i7 CPU and a 256GB SSD.

This is one of the first laptops with Windows 8, the new touch- and tablet-friendly OS, and it's meant to be used as both a traditional laptop and a tablet. But when evaluating new hardware and new software at the same time, the question is: how much of the user experience in the XPS 12 comes from Dell, and how much from Microsoft? In an Apple laptop, it's fair to consider software and hardware together, as a single company is responsible for both. For Windows-based systems, it's sometimes hard to tell on which side of the fence the faults lie.

And, there are faults. Even though the XPS 12 is a slim, well-built, and frankly ambitious convertible, it works better as a laptop than as a tablet. In the closed, slate mode, it's obvious that the Windows 8 operating system still doesn't always know what to do with your apps and fingers. The not-Metro interface (my own shorthand name for the Windows 8 tile-based UI) works fine, but jumping into apps, even Windows 8-specific ones such as Internet Explorer 10, can yield unpredictable results.

For example, at this point, nearly everyone in the universe uses some form of Web-based e-mail, but Gmail navigation on the small screen in IE10 is tough. Shift the screen just a bit and the orientation changes, with just enough lag to be annoying. Tapping on a text field sometimes brings up the Windows 8 onscreen keyboard, sometimes not (and it takes several steps to call it up otherwise).

That onscreen keyboard is miles ahead of previous Windows ones, but the layout of some keys is counterintuitive, and I ran into just enough lag to make using the Shift and Caps Lock keys especially troublesome.

But, these are the same problems I've found on other Windows 8 systems, so is it fair to lay them at Dell's feet? On the excellent Acer Aspire S7, the touch screen was a secondary experience, mainly used for finger-swiping and scrolling. On the XPS 12, you're expected to use touch much more. And as a touch-screen laptop, the XPS 12 works well. Folded up as a slate, it's still not an entirely satisfying tablet experience.

Price as reviewed / Starting price $1,699 / $1,199
Processor 1.9GHz Intel Core i7-3517U
Memory 4GB, 1,333MHz DDR3
Hard drive 256GB SSD
Chipset Intel QS77
Graphics Intel HD 4000
Operating system Windows 8
Dimensions (WD) 8.5x12.5 inches
Height 0.6-0.8 inches
Screen size (diagonal) 12.5 inches
System weight / Weight with AC adapter 3.4 pounds / 4 pounds
Category Ultraportable

Design and features
Aside from the swiveling lid, the XPS 12 shares an overall design with Dell's other recent high-end laptops, such as the XPS 14 and XPS 15. All are thin, with full or partial metal construction and dark accents. When closed, the XPS 12 looks like any small ultrabook, although at nearly 3.5 pounds, it feels dense and sturdy.

The interior is minimalist, with only the keyboard and touch pad. A power button, in the uncommon form of a slider switch, is located along the left edge, and most other functions, from the Wi-Fi antenna switch to volume control, are mapped to the row of Function keys. The wrist rest, keyboard, and keys are all matte black, with a powdery finish that resists fingerprints and nicely offsets the metal trim along the outer edge.

The XPS 12's island-style keyboard is similar to the ones found on most current laptops. In Dell's version, the keys have more-rounded corners than most, and the top row of Function keys is half-height. Typing was comfortable and accurate, and the keyboard is backlit.

The buttonless clickpad is only used when the system is set up as a traditional clamshell laptop. It's a good size, considering this is a small laptop, and works well for general pointing and navigation. But, again, Windows 8 sometimes seems to not know what to do with touch-pad gestures. With some apps and Web pages, two-finger scrolling works well, other times it's too fast and jumpy, and still other times, it's very slow. Trying to execute Windows 8 moves such as displaying the Charms bar or calling up the Taskbar is a pain on a touch pad, and I usually found myself performing these tasks via the touch screen.

The biggest feature here, as previously described, is the rotating screen. Unlike other convertible laptops with rotating screens that swivel along the vertical axis via a central hinge, the XPS 12 rotates along the horizontal axis, flipping end over end. This is possible because the screen is placed inside a thin metal all-around frame, hinged in the center of the left and right sides.

The screen mechanism feels well-designed, and it stays in the traditional laptop position without slipping. Dell says the mechanism has been tested to 20,000 cycles, and it certainly feels sturdy enough.

When you want to flip the screen, a gentle push pops it out of the frame, and it rotates freely, locking in again at 180 degrees; this leaves the screen pointing out from the back of the lid, making it easy to show your screen to someone sitting opposite you (the motion sensor automatically flips the screen image over, so everything appears right-side-up). From there, you can push the lid all the way closed, so the keyboard and touch pad are inside the clamshell but the display is pointing up, making this a slate-style tablet.

When the XPS 12 is folded down as a tablet, you can access the onscreen keyboard built into Windows 8. As I mentioned above, it's thankfully better than the onscreen keyboards in previous Microsoft operating systems, with responsive, well-spaced keys. I found the Shift key would lag a little occasionally, leading to some typing mistakes, and you'll have to spend some time getting used to the layout, which is slightly different from that of the iPad's familiar onscreen keyboard. Besides the standard keyboard layout, there are also split-key and handwriting options.

The biggest difficulty I encountered was the onscreen keyboard not popping up when it should have, in Google Docs, for example. If you need to call up the onscreen keyboard manually, it's an unintuitive procedure, requiring too many steps (slide out the Charms bar from the right side of the screen; tap Settings, tap Keyboard, then pick the style of keyboard you need).

The 12.5-inch screen has a native resolution of 1,920x1,080 pixels, which is incredibly high for an ultraportable laptop. The Windows 8 not-Metro interface scales nicely to it, but Web pages and the traditional Windows desktop view can look very shrunken. Fortunately, the display's pinch-to-zoom feature works great, much as it does on an iPad or Android tablet. That said, I found some Web sites didn't render correctly after pinching to zoom, and in Google Docs, for example, the onscreen cursor and the zoomed view didn't quite match up.

Audio was predictably thin, but fine for basic online video watching. Interestingly, the original Dell Duo had a sold-separately docking stand with bigger speakers built in.

Dell XPS 12 Average for category [ultraportable]
Video DisplayPort HDMI or DisplayPort
Audio Stereo speakers, headphone jack Stereo speakers, headphone/microphone jacks
Data 2 USB 3.0, SD card reader 2 USB 3.0, SD card reader
Networking 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Ethernet (via dongle), 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, optional mobile broadband
Optical drive None None

Expandability, performance, and battery life
With such a small body, the port selection on the Dell XPS 12 is likewise slim. The most notable deviation from the norm is the video output -- you get a DisplayPort output, rather than the more common HDMI.

Dell offers four base configurations of the XPS 12 (the unit I reviewed is the most expensive one). The entry-level model starts at $1,199 for a Core i5 CPU and 128GB SSD, and by adding either a Core i7 CPU, a larger 256GB SSD, or both, you can take it all the way up to $1,699. Several of the more design-heavy Windows 8 laptops we've seen have targeted that premium price range, but a $1,600 laptop is still a very tough sell, no matter how clever its engineering.

With an Intel Core i7 low-voltage CPU and 8GB of RAM, the XPS 12 was predictably fast in our benchmark tests. Honestly, if you're interested in this system, the lower-end Core i5 configurations will be more than fine for everyday Web surfing, productivity, and media playback tasks.

Battery life was, unfortunately, not the strongest in this laptop. That's a shame, as this is a slim system clearly intended for travel or use as an untethered tablet. In our video playback battery drain test, the XPS 12 ran for 4 hours and 43 minutes, which is on the low side for an ultraportable laptop -- especially one with a power-efficient SSD hard drive. Anecdotally, while using this laptop I found myself reaching for the A/C adapter more often than I'd expected.

The Dell XPS 12 is unique among the Windows 8 laptops we've previewed and reviewed, offering a different take on the convertible laptop/tablet concept. At the same time, it's not exactly an original idea, being based on one of Dell's previous high-concept designs, the Inspiron Duo.

The flip-screen construction is surprisingly practical for sharing your screen with others, and using a touch screen with a keyboard and touch pad works well in Windows 8. But it's hard to justify spending $1,699 when the XPS 12 doesn't entirely satisfy as a slate-style tablet, even if Microsoft shoulders most of the responsibility for that. If you're in love with the XPS 12's design, I'd suggest sticking to the less expensive configurations.

Find out more about how we test laptops.

System configurations:

Dell XPS 12
Windows 8 (64-bit); 1.9GHz Intel Core i7-3517U; 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 1,333MHz; 32MB (Shared) Intel HD 4000; 256GB Lite-On IT SSD

Sony Vaio Duo 11
Windows 8 (64-bit); 1.7GHz Intel Core i5-3317U; 6GB DDR3 SDRAM 1,600MHz; 32MB (Dedicated) Intel HD 4000; 128GB Toshiba SSD

Toshiba Satellite U925t
Windows 8 (64-bit); 1.7GHz Intel Core i5-3317U; 4GB DDR3 SDRAM 1,600MHz; 32MB (Dedicated) Intel HD 4000; 128GB Samsung SSD

Asus Zenbook Prime UX32VD
Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) w/ SP1; 1.9GHz Intel Core i7-3517U; 4GB DDR3 SDRAM 1,333MHz; 1GB Nvidia GeForce GT 620M / 64MB (Dedicated) Intel HD 4000; 500GB Hitachi 5,400rpm

Vizio Thin and Light CT14-A2
Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) w/ SP1; 1.9GHz Intel Core i7-3517U; 4GB DDR3 SDRAM 1,333MHz; 64MB (Dedicated) Intel HD 4000; 256GB Toshiba SSD

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Broken iPod Touch: Repair or replace?

Broken iPod Touch: Repair or replace?


Is there a worse feeling than seeing your iPod Touch smack the ground and hearing the unmistakable crack of glass?

Just one: picking up the iPod and realizing the screen is shattered top-to-bottom. That was one expensive attack of gravity.

This happened to my daughter not long ago, resulting in a fourth-gen iPod Touch that, remarkably, still worked, but really wasn't usable anymore owing to the spider web of cracked glass.

As the household cheapskate, I figured it would be cheaper to repair the unit than buy a new one. After all, a current 32GB iPod Touch sells new for $299 and refurbished one for $249.

Sure enough, a quick check of eBay revealed "4th-gen iPod Touch glass digitizer touchscreens" for as little as $12 -- repair tools included. Sold!

Heh, heh, too bad for the suckers paying $70, $80, even $100 to have their iPods fixed by professionals. I can operate a screwdriver; how hard could the job be?

Before I could find out, I discovered that I'd wasted $12. Although only the Touch's glass was broken, the 4th-gen model is designed in such a way that it's permanently adhered to the LCD beneath it. Even though the latter was still functioning, some online research revealed that it's close to impossible to replace just the glass. Crud.

(As I understand it, and as detailed in Donald Bell's story on fixing a cracked iPod Touch screen, earlier-generation models weren't like this. You could replace just the glass.)

So then I went shopping for a replacement "LCD screen digitizer assembly" (i.e. the whole kit and kaboodle) -- and found one (again on Ebay) for around $26 shipped. Still a bargain compared with hiring a pro and paying a huge markup for the parts.

When that kit arrived, I watched a couple YouTube videos demonstrating the screen-replacement process. They made it look fairly easy, but it's not -- especially if the screen is really busted up, which mine was. I ended up removing a lot of individual shards of glass before finally getting the main assembly pried loose.

From there I discovered that a lighted, freestanding magnifying glass is a must. The iPod Touch, a miracle of modern engineering, is packed with tiny components, including screws that are downright molecular.

It took me nearly 2 hours of careful, painstaking work to disassemble the unit, connect the new screen, and put it together again -- only to discover that something didn't work right. The screen lit up, but with only a blank white image.

Was it defective? Had I shorted something out? Torn one of the paper-thin ribbon cables? There was no way to know. All I had to show for my work was a lot of frustration and a disappointed daughter.

Moral of the story: Unless you're really adept with tiny electronics, it probably makes sense to pay a pro to handle the repair. That said, I found a couple shops in my area that were willing to do the labor for $20-30 if I supplied the part. Given what I paid on Ebay for the replacement LCD, that would get me out the door for around $55 -- maybe less.

Of course, even if you pay a service like DigiExpress or Rapid Repair upwards of $100 for the parts and service, it's still quite a bit less than the price of a new iPod.

Have you ever attempted an iPod or iPhone screen repair on your own? If so, how did it go?

Netflix keeps raising prices when is netflix raising prices next netflix prices going to raise is netflix raising prices in 2022 how much is netflix raising their prices how much is netflix raising prices netflix raising prices 2022 netflix is a joke fest
Netflix is raising prices again by $1 to $2 for every plan

Netflix is raising prices again by $1 to $2 for every plan

Netflix is becoming one of the more expensive streaming services on the market. On Friday, the basic plan in the US jumped from $9 to $10, the standard plan to $15.49, up from $13.99, and the premium plan to $20 -- a $2 increase. Netflix said it's making the change so that it can continue offering more entertainment options.

New customers will see these price increases immediately, and they'll make their way to existing customers "over the coming weeks," Netflix said. Current customers will get an email notification 30 days before their prices change, according to Netflix's Plans and Pricing page.

The increases place Netflix squarely in a battle with HBO Max for the title of the highest-priced streaming service. Both Netflix and HBO Max offer a $10 basic tier that comes with more limited service. Netflix's basic service only allows one stream at a time, and though it is ad-free, it lacks the ability to stream in high definition. Meanwhile, HBO's entry-level service does come with HD, but includes ads. It also lacks the ability to access the first-run movies that appear in theaters and simultaneously on the streaming service. 

The standard services for both streaming companies offer full access to HD, ad-free content. HBO Max offers four simultaneous streams with select titles in ultra HD for $15, while Netflix only gives users two streams and standard HD for $15.49. Netflix users will need to pay for the $20 premium service to watch on four screens at the same time or get access to ultra HD content. That makes Netflix's standard plan the most expensive streaming plan with HD on the market, passing HBO Max.

Netflix has been facing increasing competition from streaming services from Apple, Disney and Amazon, as well as from more traditional networks like Paramount, HBO and NBC Universal. But so far, Netflix's stated viewing numbers have been massive. The company tracks the total hours viewed in the first 28 days of each title's release. Season 1 of hit show Squid Game got 1.65 billion hours of watch time, while the first season of Bridgerton reached 625 million hours. 

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Samsung's Galaxy Buds 2 Pro Feature Audio Perks, but Only for Galaxy Phones

Samsung's Galaxy Buds 2 Pro Feature Audio Perks, but Only for Galaxy Phones

What's happening

Samsung's $230 Galaxy Buds 2 Pro feature the company's 360 audio and higher quality sound, as long as they're paired with a compatible Galaxy phone.

Why it matters

Samsung's higher-end Galaxy headphones include features that do rival the Pixel Buds Pro and the AirPods Pro, but also rival them by locking exclusive features within its device ecosystem.

What's next

Samsung's new wireless earbuds debut alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 4, Z Flip 4 and the Galaxy Watch 5 line, all of which will be released later in August.

Samsung revealed the new Galaxy Buds 2 Pro wireless earbuds at its August Unpacked event, alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 4, Z Flip 4 and the Galaxy Watch 5 line. They cost $230 (£219, AU$349), and will ship on Aug. 26.

Like the previous Galaxy Buds Pro, Samsung's pumping up how the wireless earbuds support what it calls 360 audio, which should allow for a surround-sound experience. But to make use of this, the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro need to be connected to a supported Galaxy phone with at least Android 8.0 and Samsung's One UI 4.1 overlay.

The Galaxy Buds 2 Pro also support 24-bit hi-fi audio, but that feature also requires a Galaxy phone that has Samsung's One UI 4.0 or above. 

Aside from those Galaxy-only enhancements, the wireless buds do have active noise cancellation and a battery rated for five hours with noise cancellation on -- which can stretch to 20 hours using the charging case. Without noise cancellation, the buds can last eight hours, stretching to 30 hours using the case.

The Galaxy Buds 2 Pro have a water resistance level of IPX7 for water and sweat, making them good for the gym or a rainy day, and they come in three colors: Bora purple, white and graphite.

The Galaxy Buds line often has inventive designs (I'm still looking for a sequel to the bean-shaped Galaxy Buds Live), but it's a bummer that it's continuing the industry trend of requiring a matching phone for the best sound quality. Google's new Pixel Buds Pro also require a Pixel phone for its spatial audio, and Apple is fairly notorious for including all kinds of perks for AirPods users when paired with Apple's devices.

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Honda Teases GM Ultium-Based Prologue Electric SUV in Sketch

Honda Teases GM Ultium-Based Prologue Electric SUV in Sketch

What's happening

Honda gives us the first look at its upcoming electric SUV, built in partnership with GM.

Why it matters

The electric SUV kicks off Honda's plan to sell nearly 500,000 EVs in North America by 2030.

What's next

The Prologue will likely debut a production model sometime in the next year before hitting the road in 2024.

Japanese automaker Honda released the first sketch of its upcoming Honda Prologue battery electric SUV teased in a sketch unveiled this week and -- so far, so good -- it looks like it'll be a handsome ride when it arrives in 2024.

The lead up to the Prologue has been a long one, its development no doubt complicated somewhat by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Honda first announced the Prologue in June 2021 as the first of what will eventually be 30 new EVs introduced globally by 2030 and the opening step towards its goal to sell 500,000 EVs in North America within a similar term.

The Prologue will be built in partnership with General Motors and will use the American automaker's Ultium electric vehicle platform and battery packs. Honda will design and build the Prologue's body and interior atop that architecture, which we're getting our first peek at today in the released sketch.

I'm told to look for hints of the cute, compact Honda E electric hatchback in the Prologue's design, but I'm not picking any of that up from the sketch. What I am seeing is more than a little of the 11th-gen Civic's design DNA -- particularly in the front fascia and strong horizontal headlamps. Scale is difficult to tell with just a rendering to go on, however Honda tells us that the Prologue will join the Passport and the Pilot in the midsize-class. With its long wheelbase, wide stance and low roofline, I can't help but be reminded of the new Mazda CX-50's proportions. The Prologue's chunky wheels and tires and "adventure-ready neo rugged" design only reinforce the resemblance.

Penned at the Honda Design Studio in Los Angeles, the Prologue's designers used virtual reality technology to collaborate with each other during the pandemic and remotely with the vehicle development team across the Pacific in Japan. Honda says that its designers paid particular attention to the Prologue's minimalist surface shaping and reducing the number of body and panel lines, not only to lend the Prologue a "modern and fresh design" but also to improve aerodynamics, range and cabin noise -- an acute challenge in the absence of combustion engine sounds.

A concept Honda dealership with EV charging stations outside.

The automaker also previewed its next-generation dealership with new EV charging requirements.


Beyond the Prologue, Honda plans a diverse portfolio of electric vehicle and EV platforms leading up to its 2030 goal. The Prologue will be joined by an Acura-branded electric SUV when it hits the road in 2024. In  2026, Honda will begin producing the first new models based on its internally-developed e:Architecture starting in 2026 alongside a series of affordable EVs based on yet another architecture co-developed with GM going on sale in 2027.

To support this upcoming electric wave, Honda is working to train its dealers  to sell, service and educate customers about electric vehicles. The automaker also previewed a new flexible, modular dealership facility design, new requirements for the number and type of EV charging stations at each dealership based the location's expected EV sales volume and new guidelines for the special tools and equipment service centers will need to maintain Honda electric vehicles.

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Here's Why You Shouldn't Use 'Hey' as a Dating App Opener

Here's Why You Shouldn't Use 'Hey' as a Dating App Opener

Let's make one thing clear: The best approach to starting a conversation on a dating app isn't "hey" or "hi" or any derivation thereof, unless you're actively trying to get ignored. In which case, by all means go for it. I can almost promise you'll end up in the hey stack of rejected matches.

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Read more Love Syncs

In truth, "hey" might be a perfectly acceptable way to start a conversation with a friend or colleague. You start at "hey" and end up debriefing on Stranger Things. But here's the deal: You're not approaching someone you have a preexisting relationship with. You're talking to a stranger on the internet who, in all likelihood, is trying to place a bet on which strangers from the internet they should talk to while fighting off the creeping numbness that comes along with flipping through 3 bazillion dating profiles. At best, "hey" is uninteresting; at worst, it's rage-inducing.

"Hey" just isn't going to cut it. This is partly because, as is the case with your photos, your bio and other profile elements, you're making a pitch about yourself to the person you're trying to talk to. What's more, you've got a limited window to make that pitch before someone decides if they want to spend their time on you. "Hey" doesn't communicate seriousness, effort or promise that there will be decent conversation to come. 

In sum, "hey" is the worst thing since stepping on a wet spot on your kitchen floor while wearing socks. Don't do it. Just. Don't Do. It.

So, what do you say?

There's no science here, folks. But the opposite of a soul-suckingly generic greeting is actually taking the time to look at a person's profile. Try asking them a question about something they've mentioned. Do they like to cook? Ask them what dish is their favorite to make. Into live music? Ask what bands are on their bucket list. Big Star Wars fan? Ask them why Obi-Wan Kenobi refuses to properly disguise himself.

You're just trying to break the ice and veer into a more natural chat about whatever is actually interesting to you both. The first contact is a small hurdle to clear to get you toward either figuring out if the other person has the personality of a wet mop or if you'd like to meet up in person.

Granted, you can scour the internet for cheeky opening questions like whether pineapple belongs on pizza (it does and I will fight you) or send along a GIF of a waving panda. Yes, you can do that. It might work. I would argue, though, that's a bit of an assembly line approach to trying to start a conversation.

Keep in mind that when it comes to online dating, it's easy to feel like you're on some kind of nightmarish, overcrowded merry-go-round. Just think -- wouldn't it be nice to get a message from someone who seemed like they were specifically interested in you?

CNET's Love Syncs is a recurring advice column focusing on online dating. If you've got a question about finding love via app, send it to for consideration. 

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Best Prime Day monitor deals still available from Samsung, LG, Acer and more

Best Prime Day monitor deals still available from Samsung, LG, Acer and more

This story is part of Amazon Prime Day, CNET's guide to everything you need to know and how to find the best deals.

Editors' note, June 23: Prime Day has officially ended at Amazon, and with it all of the monitor deals worth highlighting. You can hop over to our recommendations for monitors under $200 instead, and Walmart's sale continues throughout Wednesday. Also, check out the best Prime Day deals still available, and some other favorite Prime Day deals that are hanging on.

The original story follows.

There are some surprisingly big price drops on monitors at Amazon this Prime Day, with a ton of models hitting all-time low prices from favorite brands such as Samsung, LG, Acer and others. That makes Prime Day a great time to pick up some bargains. You may also be able to find some really good prices from around the web even if they're not part of much-hyped sales events, including Target's Deal DaysWalmart's Deals for Days or Best Buy's Bigger Deal

But, as always with monitors, you have to be careful. Some of the low prices are from manufacturers seeking to clear the channel of old models so that they can bring brand new ones to market in time for your Black Friday shopping pleasure. And yes, over the past couple of days I've gotten notifications from manufacturers about forthcoming replacements for a lot of the priced-to-sell models. If you're not picky and the price means the difference between springing for 4K or settling for 2,560x1,440 pixels (aka 1440p or QHD), then by all means -- go for the oldster.  

Reading the customer reviews can also be tricky, especially if you don't know enough to tell the sense from the nonsense. You hear lots of cautionary tales about fake reviews, but those are easy to discount. It's harder to figure out which of the complaints are valid, which of the valid problems will affect you and which are worth living with for the significant discount. 

Read more: How to buy a monitor

I've tried to filter out the models that don't seem like great deals to me, whether it's because the price is still high for the feature set or because the reviews throw red flags in my face. If you want to see Amazon's entire selection of monitor deals, check out its lists of Laptop, Desktops, Monitors and Tablet deals; Gaming Desktops, Laptops and Monitors deals; and savings on Handpicked Laptops, Desktops and Monitors.

Unless otherwise noted, these are live now and run through 11:59 p.m. PT June 22 (2:59 a.m. ET June 23). I'll update the list over the course of the Prime Day sale -- and with any good or better deals I find elsewhere.


You can find some 27-inch 4K monitors for a lot less today, but it's a minefield. I've liked the BenQ displays in this line -- I tested the dirt-cheap FHD version -- and a lot of what I liked there carries over here, including the better-than-average 5-watt stereo speakers. Don't expect real HDR: Its HDRi technology just simulates HDR the best it can given the small sRGB gamut and low brightness. It isn't awful, but BenQ deserves the complaints it gets for advertising it as such. This one's at the lowest price I've seen.


If you're looking to go big on the cheap, this Samsung is priced right at its all-time low of $480 and doesn't skimp on the resolution -- a lot of cheap models are only 2,560x1,440 rather than 3,440. If you ignore the "HDR10" spec, which just means it knows how to decode HDR video, not that it can display it at anything remotely like HDR quality (a common misleading monitor marketing tactic) and don't expect IPS-quality color saturation and viewing angle (it's a VA panel), you'll be happy for the extra screen real estate for working. It's not a gaming monitor -- it's part Samsung's business line, which has led to disappointment from gamers -- and includes a LAN connection, USB hub and the ability to output 90 watts for laptop charging.


I don't normally recommend a curved display for 27 inches (the curve is frequently more of an annoyance than a benefit on monitors smaller than 32 inches), but if you want to surround yourself with two or three for gaming the curve makes sense, especially with this model's "zero frame" design. This model also has a gaming-friendly 240Hz refresh rate, and at its all-time-low price of $250 you may be able to afford to surround yourself with them. It's got a VA panel rather than IPS, though, so it may not be the perfect choice if you're picky about off-angle viewing and sensitive to ghosting.
