Young Star Wars Fan In Walker Pilots Millennium Falcon Costume For Halloween

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Young Star Wars fan in walker pilots Millennium Falcon costume for Halloween

Young Star Wars fan in walker pilots Millennium Falcon costume for Halloween

When you're a Star Wars fan, you want to have fun on Halloween while wearing your favorite Jedi, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Sith Lord or Han Solo costume.

If you're a kid who needs to use a walker, though, wearing a complicated costume can be somewhat difficult.

That didn't stop crafty parents Chantelle Leck and Patrick Bailey from making the coolest Star Wars costume in the galaxy for their 5-year-old son, Sebastian, who happens to have cerebral palsy.

"Coming up with ways to incorporate a walker into a costume is tricky," Chantelle Bailey posted on Facebook. "This will be the third year in a row that (his brother) Holden has wanted to be a Jedi, so we decided Sebastian should be Han Solo. And his walker, obviously, had to be the Millennium Falcon!"

Because of Sebastian's cerebral palsy, his parents had a lot to consider when creating this one of a kind Star Wars costume. But they incorporated everything they needed perfectly, making this the kind of Halloween costume worthy of a boastful Wookiee roar.

"We can't do a mask, hats are hard, he doesn't wear his own glasses, and something evil didn't seem to gel with his sweet personality," his parents posted on YouTube.

The main body of the Falcon costume is constructed using simple materials such as corrugated plastic, random hardware parts, and even a button that when pushed can play Han Solo quotes from "Star Wars."

"Sebastian is not verbal, we have installed a speech button which has a recorded 'Trick or Treat' between and four different Han Solo quotes, such as 'Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid,'" his mother posted on YouTube.

The long pole with a handle is attached to the Falcon as an attendant guide bar, to keep Sebastian steady as he goes trick or treating. His parents also included a Bluetooth speaker that plays the Star Wars theme music.

For past Halloweens, Sebastian's parents have created elaborate and creative costumes for him, including Clark Kent as Superman in a phone booth. We can't wait to see what Sebastian dresses up as for next year's Halloween.

If you're impressed with Sebastian's Star Wars costume, his parents have entered it into a contest to win tickets to go see "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Fingers crossed we see the Bailey family in line opening night.

