Hyperchiller Coffee Maker Review

Hyperchiller coffee maker review

The Hyperchiller sits on a table with a cold beverage next to it

The Hyperchiller is perfect for iced coffee drinkers who don't love cold brew -- or waiting. 

David Watsky/CNET

It is very much iced coffee season, but dang if that stuff isn't expensive. A 16-ounce cold brew is up to about $6 at my local shop and the premade stuff at the grocery store isn't a whole lot cheaper. That's why I've become accustomed to making my own iced coffee using the $25 Hyperchiller. This multichamber device is designed to chill hot coffee and tea, warm white wine and any other liquid you want cold in 60 seconds or less. 

If you prefer bolder cold brew, which is coffee made by steeping grounds in cold water for 12 hours or more, there are several cold brew makers to simplify the process. I personally prefer milder iced coffee, which is hot-brewed and then chilled. The only problem is that takes time, and when you're itching for your first cup in the morning or an afternoon jolt, the last thing you want to do is wait an hour for it to come down to temp. And pouring hot coffee over ice just leads to a watered-down disaster.

Enter the Hyperchiller, a compact device that can chill hot coffee, tea or wine and more in about one minute. I've taken to using it just about every day. 

Here's how it works and my full review of the Hyperchiller. 

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The Hyperchiller in its natural habitat.

David Watsky/CNET

How does the Hyperchiller work?

The Hyperchiller is about the size of a large jar of pasta sauce. It has an inner cooling chamber with two layers of ice on both sides of the chamber. The ice layers are contained by internal stainless vessels so it chills the liquid when poured in without melting into it and diluting it. The hot liquid chamber is also thin so it spreads the hot beverage out, chilling it faster than a corksicle or a frozen whiskey sphere.

The Hyperchiller chambers on a table

Birds-eye view of the Hyperchiller chambers.

David Watsky/CNET

One thing to note is that you have to refreeze the device after each use (as you would with almost any other device in this category.) After using the Hyperchiller for hot beverages, you'll need to refreeze it for a few hours -- ideally eight or more. For room-temperature tipples including wine and whiskey, it won't thaw as much and thus needs less time to refreeze. 

What's nice is you don't ever have to change or refill the water since the only chamber that gets dirty is the one in between. And even that only requires a quick rinse and then you can pop it back in. 

How much chill does the Hyperchiller have?

Iced coffee chill test

The Hyperchiller is great for many things but iced coffee was my number one goal, so I hot-brewed a big pot of my favorite java. The freshly brewed coffee was 175 degrees F but when I ran 12 ounces through the Hyperchiller and left it in for one minute, what poured out was a full 100 degrees cooler, down to a room temperature 75 degrees. I left the rest of the hot coffee in for another minute (two total) and what emerged from the device had a chill, down to 59 degrees. I checked the inner chambers and there was still a good bit of ice, meaning I could chill the other half of the pot down -- albeit not as well -- or refreeze the Hyperchiller in just a few hours.

The Hyperchiller sits on a table with a chilly glass of coffee next to it

A minute after assembling, there was very little ice meltage in my Hyperchilled coffee.

David Watsky/CNET

This was good. Very good. 

Because tea brews at a similarly hot temperature and is often consumed at the same cold temperature as iced coffee, this coffee test applies pretty congruently to tea. 

The wine test

Experts say 48 to 55 F is optimal for drinking white wine. At room temperature, my wine measured in at a balmy 75 but one 45-second spin through the Hyperchiller and it was at a sip-perfect 45 degrees and ready to drink (so I did.) With wine, the Hyperchiller didn't have to do nearly as much work as with the hot coffee and so the inner chambers were still mostly frozen. I could easily chill more wine (challenge accepted) or just another 25 minutes in the freezer and it was back to solid.

Read more: The Best Wine Club of the Year

The Hyperchiller chills with a glass of white wine

New happy-hour buds at home.

David Watsky/CNET

Much like the tea-to-coffee comparison, the Hyperchiller will do to whiskey what it does to room temperature white wine, and so if you're a chilled bourbon or Scotch drinker who doesn't love the dilution effect, this will work wonderfully. Just make sure it's washed out nice and clean so as not to get unwanted Colombian dark roast flavors in your Pappy 20-year. Or maybe that would be good. Hmm...

Anyway, I love the thing. You can pick up a Hyperchiller in one of four colors for just $25 and have non-watered-down iced coffee in the time it takes to order at Starbucks. 

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